
By BoroLady69

Buddy Bench...

"The only way to have a friend is to be one!"

Buddy Bench in our Granddaughter's Elementary School Playground.
Our Granddaughter kept us informed of the 'Buddy Bench' that was being made especially for their school's playground.  She told us that if a kid was new to the school, didn't have anyone to play with, or was just feeling a little lonely, they could sit on the Buddy Bench and if she or another kid saw someone on the buddy bench they could go over and sit with them to just talk or invite them to "come and play with us". 

The bench finally was made and delivered and her class had a special recess to see it installed, try it out, and remind each other what it was there for, and how special it was as they could help kids make friends - she could use it too.   After that exciting day, she couldn't wait for a time when she could take Pappa and Grandma over to see it - also this 'visit' gave her yet another opportunity to play on the Monkey Bars on the playground!  We loved it and the story she'd told us of it.
I'm also publishing an extra foto taken on our way home that evening of a deer that had run across the road in front of our car, ran up a grassy hill, then turned and walked toward our car that we'd parked at the side of the road.  He kept coming nearer and nearer then stopped peaking through this skinny tree - I thought "You can't hide behind that skinny tree!"

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