Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

I Hate To Beat A Dead Horse

...but it's freaking hot!  

I don't care what it says the "feel like" temperature is, when I stepped out of the door I immediately broke out into a sweat. It's so dry here (note the humidity) sweat is supposed to evaporate before you can feel it.

I'm not sure what the dew point is but that must've been a factor in the pouring forth of the moisture from the glands which made my clothes and head soaked. I started from my "cool " house to my baking car to my mom's calescent one.

By the time mom's car cooled down we were at our destination at the auto body shop.  We dropped her car off there and were able to cool down while we waited for the rental car to be prepared for us.

It was hotter than Hades when we got  into it. We ran one more errand which meant getting out of the car. That meant getting back into it when it was so blazing hot you couldn't touch anything. We went back to her house, I got into my own scorcher and drove home.

After being in all of those sizzling vehicles during the height of the heat, I came home in a pool of sweat, huffing and puffing, ready for a nebulizer treatment and a cold shower. And it's only going to get worse later this week. I don't mind the heat up to 104°F, but after that it's "Goodnight, Irene!"

I'm getting back into my pajamas to get more rest and not coming out until Saturday when the temperature is supposed to come down to 103°F. Hopefully, I'll be able to breathe once more!

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