
By atoll

Kukulu Riha

I had been threatening a snail blip last week anyway, and time was rapidly running out today before the kick off to Euro 2012, when I spotted in desperation two snails quite clearly going at it as per Tempus Fugit's very informative snail sex education lesson. Snap, like a voyeur they were blipped il flagrante delico.

When as I settled down for the wild excitement of Poland vs Greece with a glass of wine at 5pm, MrsB seemed quite happy. This was unusual, given her hatred of football on TV, but then I don't think she knows yet there will be two games a day for the foreseeable future. I will let her in on that gently I think.

Anyway, I could hear her pottering in the kitchen and when I went in for a top up and to investigate some lovely cooking smells, I discovered what she described as a "Maldivian chicken curry" or "Kukulu Riha" on the go.

Now I may well be biased, but I think she makes the best curry ever.

Blimey, am feeling so generous I might even forgo Russia vs Czech Republic later tonight!

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