Mother of Millions......

...I am not surprised that it is called is so prolific and there are so many flowers that come from one plant it is quite mind boggling.

They grown down by the river...which always makes a beautiful backdrop to their orange beauty.

Thanks to Jen (Newcastle Downunder) ....she told me the name ...I like it.....for some reason it ignites a story in my head...or maybe a myth or legend going something like this............

.....About a very beautiful woman who lost her beloved children ....stolen by the thieving South Wind its haste got careless and  dropped the children. As they fell they turned into seeds and fell on the fertile soil close to the river bank.
Not even her loving husband could console her ......she would go down to the river every afternoon .......her tears would flow....the fish and the turtles would come to the edge of the river to try and comfort her ......the birds would fly down and sit beside her leaving feathers in her hair. 
A kind old witch would watch her heart break over and over every day ....when one day with the womans blessing the witch turned her into a beautiful orange flower..... the same that her children as seeds had grown into. 
The happiness at the reunion is shown by the prolific orange flowers ...a bursting celebration at finally being together again.

Don't ask........

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