
.....Don't you wonder what they're "saying" to each other? 
 "Get off!! I was here first!"     ....or,
 "Who you callin' fat"??           ....or, 
"Are you talkin' to ME"??  HaHa!!
I woke up early & started cleaning the house, but I made the mistake of looking out the kitchen window where I saw that my feeders had been invaded by grackles. Well, what's a blipper to do? I ran for the camera! There was a baby grackle on the ground with it's very awkward momma trying to feed it seeds. I say awkward because it kept missing the baby's mouth & the baby had  seeds stuck on it's beak but didn't seem to be getting much into its mouth!  I took an awful lot of pics as it was such fun watching all the coming & going of the various birds, & then of course I had to load them on the computer to see how they turned out, & next thing I knew an hour and a half had passed, & I still have most of my cleaning left to do!   :))
I've put some in the extras in case you'd like to look!  Happy Weekend!!

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