
By LeeAnne


To see who can dribble dinner down their tits first. Elf was shite at that but she does a mean hooter party trick. Diane won on the main course followed rapidly by me with dessert. At least none of us had any kittens hidden.

Lovely afternoon/evening with a whole lot of gynae chat, more than is probably normal for any girls night. David deserves a medal, I'm pretty sure we make his ears bleed at regular intervals.

My observations are that Elf sleeps like she's actually dead. It's almost as though she disappears somewhere else and leaves her body in bed, perfectly still. You can buy giant nipple tassels if you know where to look. The Doc has swallowed a dictionary and is generally spitting it out backwards and Mardi Gras has a whole new level of entertainment that I didn't think possible! You put your right leg in... and again... and again... and again!

And I think I made Alan blush with the naughty poster I took him! Haha... what teenage boy doesn't like rude pin ups?!


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