The second half of life..

By twigs

Winter Rose

Beautiful sunny day, but with a chill in the air.  No surprises then tonight to feel the temperature plummet - it's going to be a cold night tonight!  Another duvet is called for I think.

Ah - yes - winter.  Brrrrrrrr!

Just back from camera club where we had a long but intriguing talk by Mark Jones from Roving Tortoise.  Second only to David Attenborough, I think, on my short list of people-I'd-love-to-work-for.  

Nothing big - no large salary needed, I'l just be your sock washer.  Adventuresome sorts need clean socks don't they and there's no point in carrying dozens of pairs with you when you travel.  So - here I am - for the meagre price of an airfare and a couple of meals a day I shall make sure you always have a clean, fresh pair of socks available to wear.  Makes perfect sense to me!

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