This is the best I can offer....

I went to the Marriott this morning for the first time in months...not to swim sadly, but to meet the girls for a quick birthday breakfast before I shot off to work. I do miss going there, swimming and meeting the gang, but hopefully I will be able to rejoin in the future. 

Speaking of swimming....I am doing the mile open water swim again next Saturday...eek! Not only have I to squeeze into my wetsuit, but I'm so out of practise with swimming. JanetH is doing it as well, but she has been very good and been along to the practise swims. I've not even been in the bath for weeks!! (I have showered....just thought I'd clarify that!!!) 

It was a fairly busy day today although not as manic as yesterday, thank goodness. I whipped my camera out as I arrived home and snapped the flowers outside the gate....a bee photo bombed the pic. I didn't have the energy to look for any other shot. I need to make an effort soon though as my shots are boring lately. 

I am way behind on comments...I'm doing my best to catch up...but it is slow with my swollen black finger. 

I was called many things today, but the one I shall go with is...temptress ha ha ha ha

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