
By FlyingPRGal


Today I attended the Goodwood Festival of Speed for the 14th year. The day was a high octane, adrenaline fuelled sensation for the senses for automotive and aviation enthusiasts.

Racing drivers, engineering teams, pilots, visitors, media, exhibitors and volunteers came together to celebrate a passion for pistons and props in the world's largest motorsport garden party.

Volunteering with aviation charity fly2help today, my friend Jack and I, along with fellow volunteers John and Wendy, talked to visitors about flying, volunteering and sponsoring.

I met up with my friend and former colleague Greeners from advanced aerobatic training academy Ultimate High and heard all about their latest developments.

We were hosted today on the Cessna Beechcraft stand and kindly sponsored with giveaways from the Red Arrows ground support so we made plenty of new friends along the way.

Highlight of the day for Jack and I were the vintage race cars dating back as early as 1909 such as the Blitzen Benz and a Fiat from 1911 nicknamed the Beast of Turin.

Late morning we observed from the fly2help stand as the whole aviation show came to a complete standstill to watch the Eurofighter Typhoon blast across the sky, the thrust of the engines resonating across the estate and vibrating in our chests making our hearts beat faster.

During our lunch break Jack and I sipped on champagne to the sound of the vintage race cars tearing up the hill climb. "Nothing beats washing down the smell of race cars with champagne!" Jack said.

Between us we managed to recruit some new volunteers, find some potential new beneficiaries and willing pilots to volunteer their time. Sharing our passion for aviation means we get to give something back to the disadvantaged and if we influenced just one person to get involved in the charity or take up flying then it makes the 15 hour day, walking 6 miles on 4 hours sleep all worthwhile.

As an ex-motor industry PR it's a real treat to dip my toe back into the world of motorsport again whilst keeping my eyes skyward seeking out new aviation adventures...

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