The Princess and the Pea

Courtesy of several rainy days in a row . . . here it is . . . a SECOND Dancing Girls blip! Hooray!

For some reason, our Tabbycat continues to shed heavily well into the middle of summer. My husband brushes Dexter regularly, and I've allowed the fuzz for one week to accumulate. On this day, I decided to put it to use for a photo shoot!

This is a reenactment of the fairy tale story of the Princess and the Pea (or the Princess ON the Pea, as it is sometimes known). You know the one: the tale where they determine a young lady's high breeding by placing a tiny pea under a huge number of mattresses, to see if she can discern that it is there.

In our story, the pea was hidden beneath 18 mattresses made of the softest golden Tabby-down. Then one of the Dancing Girls climbed atop the pile. Even after just a few minutes, she was whining and complaining about bruising. Yep, she's princess material, all right!

You know that I often set up my little whimsy photo shoots on our bathroom counter, and I am frequently joined by Tabzilla, who loves to participate in the telling of ANY tale. He's in charge of quality assurance (among other things).

Dexter was quite startled to find his fuzz being used in a photo shoot. In the extra photos area, lower right, you can see the moment where he walked over and sniffed the fuzz, looked puzzled, and then gave it a great big chop-slam. ("Hello, fuzz that is both me and not-me.")

What can I say - he's a real fuzz machine. And as maker of the fuzz, he must be granted co-artist rights. He actually made the fuzz, I just made the photo.

The song to accompany this whimsical image is Kingdom of the Heart, from the 2002 film, The Princess and the Pea.

P.S. Is it strange that I'm thinking about whether it's possible to spin this golden fuzz into yarn and knit a tiny Mr. Rogers sweater for Dexter to wear? <grin>

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