A bit of a novelty?

How often do you get ANY money back once you part with it?
Is it just a licence to print money? Having just moved the Status of "The Wagon" from "Campervan" to, s the vendor put it "Mobile home" - I went through the formalities of obtaining a refund on the road tax.
This is where the licence to print money rears its huggerly head.
If, perchance I am ONE day into another month I can't claim for THAT month.
Neither can I, any longer, leave the licence in situ for the next owner, who has, of course GOT to pay for the whole of that month - even if he is only a couple of days from the end of it at purchase.
"Extra" = After supplying/ fitting a "des res" bummly-bees for the use of they proceeded to ignore it, choosing instead places like beneath some dross outside the greenhouse door and here under the small waterfall into the pond.

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