A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Colours of the Highlands.

I started the day with a breakfast of bacon and egg cooked for me by Chris and accompanied by orange juice and Prosecco as today is my birthday!

I'm sitting looking at the mountains as I post this, they have been missing all day as we have had a strange sort of cloud inversion. It was bright sunshine before 7.00 am and then we had a short but heavy shower and the mountains disappeared. Not that unusual but by late morning/lunchtime the sun was shining and the sky above was blue but the mountains weren't visible at all!

We had a full day yesterday so had decided to be a bit more laid back today. We walked to Garvie Bay which is the next bay around from here but not very far as we walked from the road. It was very boggy! We have done the whole circuit before and passed this bay on our way back. We made the mistake this time by heading down the wrong side of the river and Loch so when we got there we couldn't get across to the beach.
We decided if we waited a little while we may be able to cross on the beach as the tide was going out. We sat and enjoyed the view and the sun came out making it very warm again. It struck me that in front of me were the colours for the Highlands. Those of you who know me will know I knit quite a lot and love colours. My first knit in Noro yarn I made for my first holiday here and I regard it as being in Highland colours. The wonderful aqua of the sea, the white of the sand, the russet of the rocks and seaweed when the tide is low and the greens and purple of the hills (when the heather is out later in the summer). The rocks had lovely lichens on them and some had mussels growing as well as millions of tiny limpets.

Soon a young man in wellies appeared who was fishing with his friends around the headland. He set off to cross the river and had to make several attempts, the water nearly coming over the top of his wellies and almost bowling him over! That made our minds up. We would go back by the same boggy route!

After lunch we took the 'wee mad road' into Lochinver to pick up something from the Highland Stoneware Pottery which I had ordered for my birthday. A must visit every time we come. We saw several deer again, one right at the side of the road.

A lovely place to spend my birthday and more Prosecco this evening to toast that mountain view. ( Might have some cake too later.)

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