A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A perfect day.

If there is such a thing then this was a perfect day in the Scottish Highlands!

Sun from very early in the morning and still shining now at 9.00pm. The mountains have been clear all day too.

Straight after breakfast we to headed for the beach and even though the tide was well in there is always a spit of sand and the salt marshes beyond.

I walked to the salt marshes as from the road above there can be seen a pinky, purple band across the bay. It was as I expected, pink thrift but underneath was a very small purple flower. As you can see it makes a lovely band of colour. It was full of life too. As well as the sheep, Cheviots and small black Hebredians, there were lots of birds. Ringed Plovers and Snipe or Sand Pipers in amongst the flowers. Also Tortoiseshell butterflies.

In the distance you can see a small fishing boat, probably out of Lochinver, tending to his creels. At the end of the land spit is the Stoer Lighthouse.

After our walk we popped on to Achiltibuie for coffee over looking the Summer Isles at the Piping School and couldn't resist going into the Artists centre again. So glad I did as I met 'Woolyheaded' a fellow blipper who lives here and makes wonderful home knit garments to sell at the centre. We had a lovely chat and agreed to meet up again next time we are here.

They are getting ready for the Coigach Gathering tomorrow but sadly we will miss it as it is our last day here. It's gone so quickly!

Had lunch in the garden and a lazy afternoon watching the birds. If you look on the extras you will see the little surprise we found in the kindling box! Not very clear but 4 young Pied Wagtails. We have seen mum and dad going in and out.

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