How Many Times ?

This tribute is to those who lost their lives at the hands of of terrorists . These people  were ordinary men and women living their lives and having tolerance for others whilst themselves holding their beliefs. For this they were slaughtered.Today I had to speak to British Airways . As I spoke to the member of staff both of us noted the time was approaching noon . BA were keeping the minutes silence and I planned to .At their request , I joined them . My laptop was open at the picture of this rather angry sea . (Hence the quality of image since I blipped my Mac Pro screen ).This sea reflects how many of us feel at these horrors , Then you see an image of a man and a woman . These are symbolic of those who died . I saw these images  this  week  so went out  today to make these blips . Over from them the location is a little flower garden . Rather beautiful as people have created it for all . Yes it is Floral Friday but a breeze blew and as I did my best to blip the rose ( see extra ) the song Blowing in the Wind played in my head and I found myself singing it . "How many times will it take till they know that too many people have died ." The answer is indeed blowing in the wind as were the roses . I still offer as extras my little floral tributes .

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