Whales and Whistling

It has turned really chilly...bloody cold in fact......must be snowing somewhere.
This afternoon I needed to go up the coast again to spy some whales as  they journey North.....there is something so remarkable to watch these gorgeous creatures spout.. breach..fluke  and just lumber along...funny to say that they help me breath and feel at peace......I cannot describe the feelings any other way.

The sunset went to bed throwing out her gentle pastel pinks and blues to the east adorning Norries Head.....and breaching Whales.....all to the sound of Flynn...(who has taught himself how to whistle and is driving us crazy) whistling out the Darth Vader theme tune.

Still feeling my Beloved Friend as she journeys through.....this reminded me of her....simple but so true ...and continued on the theme of the whales and my memories.

“She consumed books like a whale eats krill.”
Alan Bradley

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