I've done it again.

Very unprepossessing, but I had to document it.
Cue for another song. I wonder why?
Leader-wench has decided it's time to ATTACK the garden, which has been starting to resemble a wild-life sanctuary.

I spotted that she had placed a log on the "to be burnt" heap. It didn't take much observation to spot the growth.

My hirsute Sibling, alias "The Man", bought me a log some time ago. The idea was home grown Shiitake (Or summat).

Maybe he can remember how long ago, I can't. I hadn't forgotten it, but it's obviously some considerable time since it got a severe coat of looking at. ONE growth up and slug-ridden before it was spotted.
MEGApsittacosis - that is sick as a FLOCK of flaming Parrots.

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