
Short day today at work. Started with a visit form an architect to look at our proposed changes when we get the house repaired. Hmm, just can't' decide!

Then work for a few hours, and finally out to the airport to pick up my Dad and sister. They are down for the weekend to work on a book.

Out of town visitors are always a good excuse for some earthquake tourism, so we circled out to Bexly and surrounds to have a look at some of the residential red zone. Wow, pretty trashed and a reminder that we have 2 Christchurch's right now. Our side of town, all relatively normal. And then east, some of which is well and truly stuffed.

Then of course as we were circling back we had to stop in Ferrymead for a quick look at the apartment building, no more. And of course visit "the Brewery".

Home for dinner and a few welcome wines ;-)

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