Rose hips

I woke to a skiff of snow around home and town. It it wasn't white, it was black, black ice.

Of my commuting options I decided to give walking a go. I figured I'd know by the end of my street if it was feasible or not.

It seemed ok and doable. On the small streets like mine it was relatively straight forward. Mostly one foot path was snowy and icy and the other side of the road relatively clear.

That theory worked well until I reached main roads. With each increasing size the amount of shelter from vegetation decreased and the open space increased. Pretty much one big skating rink.

I allowed an extra 10 mins walking time but it took longer than that. I was grateful to walk in the door at work without a trip to the Bone Shop (name of acute Orthopedics).

I had a couple of offers of a lift home but the weather was ok-ish and as I said "It's like being on a mountain only flatter" ;-)

Within minutes it snowed briefly and then a mix of sleet and rain accompanied me home. Not before I spotted these rose hips in a little watery sun.

The kitchen needs sorting as does a little food prep for an overnight tramp this weekend. Yes, there is a hut with double glazing, and efficient fire, in a lovely setting surrounded by snow and mountains :-)

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