Wildlife Abstract

Hoping this counts for Abstract Thursday? hosted by youoregon1 :)

 Thank you ALL so much for the hearts, stars and such kind, supportive comments on my post of Freedom after losing my job yesterday :) 
 That's what makes Blip so special, the blippers (people) whatever you want to call us :)  

My Love in a Mist is currently sitting on the top row of page 2 of Popular and its rare for me to have been anywhere near there :)

Today I have:

slept in (though not slept well)
been out for a coffee  and then a lovely walk by the canal with GodsCreation where we saw a lovely group of ducklings but non of my shots came out as well as I wanted them to...
phoned the RSPCA about a swan with blood on its back and been told they can't come out unless we have the injured bird in sight :(:(
come home and just relaxing for the rest of the day

I might start writing lists of what I need to do towards getting another job and keeping myself busy (and other boring stuff) a bit later...but for now I'm so tired, I'll probably have a doze.

Happy Thursday folks :)

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