
By Ballbins

Duck Herding

I took the boys out early this morning to the park, met a nice woman there who had  2 spaniels. We swapped numbers !!!! I've never done that with someone I've just met before without alcohol . On the way back home I saw a duck with her 4 tiny ducklings waddling along the pavement, and into the road on occasion. She looked a bit lost and sounded quite distressed.
I ran the boys back home and jumped into the car and went in search of the feathered family. I found them halfway down the road I had seen them turning into. An elderly couple who were gardening had seen them too, they'd also noticed a couple of cats prowling nearby. I wasn't sure what to do, so I called the RSPCA to see what they said, they said if the duck weren't hurt or being abused there was nothing they could do.
We tried to think about where they might have come from, the park /gardens where I'd just been with the boys has a big pond but no ducks. The nearest park with ducks is a very busy road away. We decided that the best option was to try and herd them into nearest small park, it was not an easy job. That poor mother duck was quacking and hissing away, and the babies must have been terrified.
We finally got them into the park and tried to encourage them in the direction of the pond, once we arrived at the pond, Mum Duck desperately tried to squeeze through gaps in the fencing that surrounds the pond, but she couldn't. She then walked across a wooden bridge, one by one the ducklings fell through the gaps into the water below, Mother Duck was distraught, Old Lady was distraught and so was I. Within minutes Mother Duck had the bright idea of flapping her wings and flying over the railings of the bridge. She landed in the water and within seconds was reunited with her children, I have never seen ducklings swim so fast. The Old Lady high fived me ! ( I won't even high five my daughter, but I could hardly refuse).
We walked back to her house and my car together, she was talking a lot about Wimbledon and I was trying to appear to be interested and not glaze over. She was a very nice lady, I just am not interested in the tennis ( sorry), its my mothers fault.

Went to a gardening job in the afternoon and sneezed a lot.

I know this photo isn't all that but the ducks wouldn't stay still.

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