Not again?!

Today it was very hot and because Ann is the nicest dog owner in the whole wide world, (and I’m an ungrateful little collie, her words not mine), she took me for my walk in Tehidy Woods (where it was cool) and along the coast path (where there was a breeze).

I had a whole hour and a half to run about off my lead and even though there were no streams for me to cool down in, Ann had brought water for me in case I got thirsty.  I behaved impeccably until almost the end of our walk when I disappeared into the undergrowth.  I could hear Ann calling me but do you know what I was doing?..............................  I was wallowing in mud!  I’m ever so clever because I can sniff out mud anywhere.  Mud is really good for cooling little collies down!

I was ‘missing’ for at least a couple of minutes and Ann thought I might have done something naughty like run onto the golf course, (which runs adjacent to the woods) and steal a golf ball.  Never in her wildest dreams did she think I’d be able to find mud on such a hot day in a place where there’s no water!  

Needless to say, when I eventually went zooming back to her, she wasn’t very pleased to see me.

For the last three days I've wallowed in mud.  Apparently this is getting beyond a joke!  Ann’s words not mine.

Tomorrow my dog sitter is looking after me.  Yay!

.......................Ann is soooooo looking forward to spending a whole day at work without a dirty, stinky, disobedient, ungrateful little collie.  She says that my dog sitter can keep me.

Much as I love my dog sitter, I don’t want to be kept?!

.......................I know Ann loves me really.  Doesn’t she???

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