Despicable behaviour

'Padstowbabe' & Nellie, the very gorgeous cocker spaniel, have just been to our house to drink wine on the sun terrace. Obviously me & Nellie didn’t drink wine because we are dogs.

Ann was absolutely appalled by the way that I behaved towards Nellie.

I’d had a little ‘pep talk’ before Nellie arrived. ……………..But she arrived when I was in the middle of my dinner. Actually, I'd eaten as much dinner as I wanted so there was a little bit left and no way was I going to let anyone else have it.

I had a lovely walk with Nellie on Sunday but no way was I going to let her into my house when then was still dinner to be eaten.

I snarled at her, I woofed at her, I made her feel really scared. I think she now understands that I am TOP DOG in my own house.

Ann made me go and lie in my bed and I wasn’t allowed to come onto the sun terrace until I’d calmed down.

Fortunately 'Padstowbabe' is a vet and wasn’t too annoyed with me. She said my behaviour was understandable. Ann’s not so sure. She thinks as an intelligent 10 year old collie I should have behaved better???!!!

………….And in other news – you’ll probably see another ‘drinking wine on the sun terrace’ blip tomorrow because 'Harebrain' is coming to see us. Yay!

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