horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Your Name in Lights

It's always nice to see your name on something you've done, this is the first in a two-part look at legal recruitment for FIRM Magazine (okay, so it's niche, but it was fun to do).

It was a bit of a sideways step mentally from writing the usual cycling pieces I do. Cycling I know about, and I can write about it all day, and the majority of what I write are 'opinion' pieces. This was altogether more subtle. An investigation if you like, and I had to do a bit of a rewrite after the first draft. Having been in the hands of legal recruitment consultants before I at least had a little experience I guess.

What this blip does indicate even more though, is that I'm already bored being back at work. I enjoy the writing, meeting people, chatting with folk, putting down thoughts on paper, rather than sitting at a desk reading over contracts and arguing over whether we'll pay people in 30 or 40 days (our accounts department will manage neither in any case). So, I have a couple of irons in the proverbial fire to try and strike with while they're proverbially hot in the proverbial right place at the proverbially appointed right time. That is, before Christmas.

But right now I need another coffee to help see out the rest of the afternoon (probably the first of about 4 to see out the rest of the afternoon if truth be told).

And I actually forgot one other thing I did yesterday that added to it being a good weekend - bought tickets for Waiting for Godot in the King's Theatre, Edinburgh in April, starring Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick 'make it so' Stewart.

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