Usual Wednesday morning trip to Morrisons for the big shop with my friend Jan. It was very quiet there this morning which made shopping much easier.

Pottered around at home and then got on with a chore I have been putting off.  Emptying the cupboard under the stairs.  It needs to be cleared as tomorrow EON are coming to fit a Smart Meter.

The cupboard was mostly full of shopping bags.  I counted them as I pulled them out.  There was approx 70. ( That's not counting about 20 plastic Bags for Life )  Who needs 70 shopping bags?  Not even me.  I have a passion for handbags but I also seem to collect shopping bags too.  Also found 13 umbrellas.  I will be Ok if it rains won't I.

I also dug out the 3 random items which I have blipped.  A copy of Olive Magazine from 2008.  A Thomas The Tank Engine torch.  And a Ball-Peen Hammer -  a very old one.  I had often wondered where this hammer was as it wasn't in the old tool chest where it should have been.

Neil turned up here after he had finished work.  Wasn't expecting him but luckily there was plenty of food and drink ( fizzy pop ) for him to get stuck into.

Steps today - 7,247

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