Abstract Colouring

15.0C and bright, some cloud and occasional smir. Light breeze. No more than 16 mph.

Apothecary7's day off. We went into Dundee and had a walk up to Waterstones. Maeve the Deerhound and I waited outside while A7 went in to buy a book she wanted. We went back to the car with Maeve then visited M&S Simply Food. On the way home we stopped at a garden centre to buy a tray of bedding plants. We chose petunias.

Before lunch we took Maeve for a walk. We went up to the church then continued out along the country road to Scryne. The smir was on and off. We turned right at Craigmill farm and went down the track to the shore road. We came back along the cycle path then turned up the road to the shore to come home.

After lunch A7 replaced the pansies in the pots outside the front door of our house with the petunias. Maeve went out into the back garden and has been there all afternoon. Day one of The Open Championship from St Andrews on the telly has kept me busy.

I did take some shots in Dundee with half a mind on Abstract Thursday hosted by youoregon1, but have decided to post a shot of part of the inside cover of a little concertina style book I made some time ago. Mostly abstract colouring with lino cut  acrylic paint leaf prints. The little book holds images of four different leaves. Each image is double sided showing both back and front of the leaf.

DMC-LX7 f/2 1/125 sec. ISO-80 5mm (35mm focal length 29mm)

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