Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

Nice day for it

Monday, and time to return home from my week in Wales.

And the weather was rotten. There was a downpour in Tywyn and I was soaked by the time I had put my luggage into the car. The drive home wasn't much better: persistent rain for most of the way, with occasional breaks to allow the windscreen wipers some rest.

On the positive side, I was glad I was not still on holiday and trying to find things to do to amuse myself that didn't involve having to go outdoors.

Still on the positive side, the traffic wasn't too bad and I made relatively good progress through the twisty Welsh roads and those manic drivers who occur at irregular, and thankfully infrequent, intervals on the English motorways.

A stop for a meal at Tebay Services and a chance to reflect that the only creatures enjoying this wonderful summer weather were the ducks.

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