Neck of the Woods

Our first visit to a production at HOME, the new Arts Centre in Manchester - and home to the former Library theatre and Cornerhouse.

Neck of the Woods, part of MIF15, has not received good reviews - causing its Director Douglas Gordon to attack the building with an axe. The "minor damage" hit the press, and caused some embarrassment to MIF. DG signed the damaged area - that's been rubbed off.

I think it's an interesting precedent. And I wonder if I should attack the building with an axe - on the basis that if the Romans could design a theatre 1500 years ago which allowed everyone a clear view of the stage, then that should be possible in 2015. But I don't do axes.

As for the production - better than the reviews might suggest. Charlotte Rampling has a great voice and stage presence. Helen Grimaud is a fantastic pianist, and I liked the mash up of pieces, very atmospheric. And if you're not too claustrophobic - it begins and ends in pitch blackness, to the sound of someone chopping wood, lasting some time - then it's an OK production.

The extra is the Neck of the Woods poster - next to the Briton's Protection around the corner.

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