Castle Hunting

The temperature was forecast to be 37 degrees today so we decided against Monet's Garden this morning and set off on a castle hunt instead.
The Little Misses were bit grumpy about having to go out and do boring sightseeing but we just explained we were going to see proper France and ignored their whinging!!
It was lovely to be on little rural roads - vast wheat fields, hay bales, poppies, winding rivers, picturesque villages and towns, windmills, amazing churches even in the tiniest hamlet and lots of castles!!
We stopped at Gisors to explore the castle built in 1095 by William II, son of William the Conquerer. 
We braved the 36 degree heat (at 1130am!) and had a wonderful hour wandering through the pretty grounds learning about castles from Miss E, sword fighting from Daddy, sieges from Mummy and making music with sticks and bark from Miss L!
The grounds were so beautiful and peaceful. Lots of shade from the gorgeous trees and full of beautiful flowers. Wonderful!
The Little Misses thoroughly enjoyed themselves and forgot to whinge!!
We tootled along more tiny back roads and stopped at Chateau sur Epte. (See extra photos)
Such a contrast to Gisors! This one is a ruin at the top of the hill, being overrun by trees and bushes and obviously falling down. Yet incongruously there is a house number on the walls by the huge gate. Number 4! How can a thousand year old castle end up with a little enamel number 4?!!!
Apparently it's in private ownership and is clearly going to be left to fall down.
From there we went to a local swimming pool which Mme S had recommended. It was so busy! We queued for a while before I noticed a sign that showed swimming shorts with a big red cross over them. I showed Mr K's shorts to a man and was given a big fat non!! Apparently it's Speedos or you're not coming in at French swimming pools and Mr K is not really a budgie smuggler kind of man!
The Little Misses were distraught as the pool looked fab and they'd been so excited.
We headed back to Giverney to visit Monet's Gardens as it would be cooler and less busy.
It was 37 degrees and heaving so we sat in a shady cafe garden and had ice cream instead!!
Miss E and I decided to walk back to the B&B, stopping on the way in the churchyard to see the grave of seven British airmen whose Lancaster bomber was shot down in June 1944. It was incredibly moving to see the grave. They were so young and so far from home.
Back to the B&B for a quick shower and change before heading out the Hotel Baudy for a scrummy dinner on their beautiful terrace. The Little Misses did very well and spoke a bit of French to the lovely waitress.
Then they got a bit over excited and tired and did less well!! 
But it was lovely. Salads, sausages, frites, milkshake, beer, lemonade. Delicious!!
We explored the stunning gardens behind the hotel after dinner. Amazing! They have mocked up an artists studio which was very atmospheric. Miss L fell into a bush and somehow managed to spear her palm with a huge thorn. I pulled it out - about a centimetre - which made my stomach turn (and made Miss E run off squealing that she could NOT watch, and she could NOT bear it and it was TOO awful)
I just don't know where she gets her unsympatheticness from!!
Then it was home to bed. After a lot of silliness and shouting - from them and us respectively - they were asleep by about 1030pm.
I stupidly stayed up until about 1am catching up on Blip (lots of backflips from our holiday so far starting here) Facebook photos and Game of Thrones!

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