Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Baby Quail On The Run

Take a peak at Peter Pyrrhuloxia, taken yesterday!

Baby Gambel's quail!  I caught two of the five that were scampering around the yard with their parents.  I first noticed them when I was in the kitchen and the babies were running around near my patio door.  I went for the camera, but as usual, there was no card in it - it was still in the computer from yesterday.

By the time I got everything ready to go the entire family was over by the wall.  They came flying out past the garden gnome (which is only 5 in/12 cm tall) and beavertail cactus and I was quick enough on the trigger to catch two of the fleeing buggers as they flitted by.

I try to anticipate where they will go so that I can focus the camera on the next spot hoping they will track there.  I do it with the adults all of the time when they are alone.  That's why I am reasonably successful capturing them.  I'm one step ahead.  But with the families, all bets are off.

Best to GO BIG on this one.

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