Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

What Silage?

An afternoon walk round the "silage" field with the dogs. Its quite a disappointment and should be twice this height. I shouldn't be able to see the dogs when they lie down in it. Last year we cut this field on the 24th July. Wont be for another few weeks at least until we cut it this year. It has a knock on affect on everything when we cut later as we get less "aftermath" growth which means less grass in the field for the winter, for tupping and then for keeping the hoggs in. Its all a big worry as we may end up being short on bales and have to buy in hay. The grass isn't growing hardly at all, I haven't mowed the lawn grass for two weeks now and its not desperately needing done yet.

This morning my friend came to trim the horses hooves and then I went to the farm where we manage the livestock to hold their horses while she trimmed them. Lots of time for chatting and catching up. Then off down the road to get a load of dog food and hen/duck food. Then back home for the horse dentist to do the horses teeth. Horses are glad to be off back to their hill after all that.

14c 12mph SW overcast turning to sunny day then becoming more overcast with the odd shower this afternoon.

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