Hi-vis vest....

Am still preoccupied (obsessed actually) with the build of the garden next week. I have 9 days to get it all ready and in place before Mr. Gavin arrives in St. Ann's Square to pass judgement.

I thought it would just be a matter of setting up a few plants but I'm now having to deal with things like risk assessments and the like. I have to go over my entire garden and work out ways that people might kill themselves on it. Please keep away from my Belfast Sink water feature. Don't cut yourself on my homemade glass jam jar lanterns. And PLEASE don't try and eat any of my plants as they might just be poisonous. I had no idea I have designed a death trap.

And we have rules about the build as well. One of them was that, during the build, we have to wear hi-vis vests. I could have borrowed some from work, providing, of course, I don't bring down the number of hi-vis vests below the statutory number for a business of out size and type.

Rather than do that I spotted these for sale on eBay and found I could have them customised at a tiny increase in the price. I think they are cool. If you're around St. Ann's Square in Manchester next week see if you can spot any.

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