
By Tommy0161

The new Saturday afternoon?.....

The treat I gave myself yesterday for working so hard in Central Library that morning was a couple of hours listening to the music at the Jazz Festival, some Thai food and a cold beer.

As I approached St. Ann's Church for the first concert (which was excellent), I did wonder how many people would be there on a work day lunchtime. Just me, one man and his dog and I wondered if they would allow the dog in? Well it was packed with the vicar introducing the band wondering what the MJF had that God hadn't as it could pack the church while God couldn't.

I went to another concert at the Festival Hub and that was as busy. Albert Square was full of people relaxing in the sunshine, enjoying cold beer and street food and listening to the music. I wondered what all these people did that could give them a Monday afternoon off ? It looked like Saturday afternoon. So when did Monday in Manchester become the new Saturday?

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