
By Tommy0161

Central Library....

I have some paperwork to finish up and I can do it at home. Some people relish this as it cuts out the commute and the house is a quiet and peaceful environment in which to work.

I thought that if I really pushed it I could have it all done by 1. But the problem of being at home is that there are just too many distractions and an hour'swork can spread out to 3 or 4!

So I took myself off to Central Library which is quiet and less distracting than home. And promised myself that if I was a good boy I could have an nice afternoon drink at the Jazz Festival in nearby Albert Square.

The library is in it's summer lull period. The examination period is over for schools and universities and the beautiful reading room at its core was relatively empty. And I did work well, I was a good boy and I got that drink at the Jazz Festival...

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