Yellow Freesia

for Flower Friday with thanks to BikerBear for the challenge :)

What a horrible day its been weatherwise...had to choose yellow to brighten up the day :)

This morning I headed up to the college to see if I can start a course and it turns out can do nothing til September :(  As there was no careers adviser available either all was in vain and I felt pretty fed up after yesterday's buoyed up feelings....  Anyway, at least I have an appointment next Wednesday for the Careers Advice......... 

Whilst looking online this afternoon I've discovered there are hundreds of free online 'improving yourself' courses via the Open University, so I'm looking into doing one or two of them whilst I hang out during August (and job hunting at the same time, but I don't know what I want to do anymore)....

Then I set off to meet my friend at the Garden Centre, only to find on the way there were not one, not two, but three accidents all on the same roundabout, it was not a good day for those people....luckily I think mostly minor bumps.  

I eventually got to the garden centre and my friend was 20 minutes late, most of the time I sat in the car in the pouring rain, but had I known it, other friends were also having a coffee there and I could have chatted with them....

Anyway, much later, I went to the small Tesco's near home for a few odds and ends I wanted, and saw these rather bedraggled freesias which I decided would brighten my day up (except I had forgotten how strong the smell would be)

Billy and I have spent the afternoon doing very little (I persuaded him to come in when he was soaking wet....he still won't come in through the flap, but does now go out, so that's something achieved this week :)).

Looking forward, moving onwards, rising up to the challenge!!!

Thank you for putting my collage of yesterday on Popular, I reached page 15 :)
Happy Friday folks :)

PS.  Please does anyone know why my camera is now shooting one colour and then one mono shot and won't do more than 3 at a time instead of a burst?????  Before last night I didn't even know I could shoot in mono (B&W)...

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