
We finished a little after midnight and with a little help we soon had the PA and most of the electrical stuff packed up.

I'm very proud to be part of Hendstock, the final figure for donations is £705.57 which is just brilliant. I'll pay it into 'Meningities Now' tomorrow.

I think the  highlight of the day for me was to play Bron Yr Aur Stomp with H on vocals, Poppy on drums and Alf on lead guitar. It was Poppy's first public performance on drums and she was (if you pardon the pun) bang on.

The other astounding event for me was a performance by The Old Spice Girls which I suspect will become legendary...

We Accelerants closed the evening which was great fun, I think that after several proper gigs it was a massive relief to play our home crowd. I suspect I relaxed a little much as I managed to cock up my favourite guitar bit which I've been playing perfectly all summer. I suspect it was the pressure of playing in front of Tom, Ted and Simon who are all fine guitarists (at least that's what I'm telling myself;))

We had so much help though from so many people, from Ian who did his usual excellent job of managing the sound desk, to Ninja who took these cracking pictures, to the people who shared food, put up marquees, played instruments, clapped, sang along, collected money and all manner of other helpful things. It is great to be a part of such a brilliant, talented and generous community.

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