Sulphur Beetle

Another cold, rain-filled day so I resorted to a studio shot of the distinctive sulphur beetle, which we found at Barnack Hills and Holes on our last visit. This beetle can't be confused with any other species, because no other beetles found in the UK are such a bright yellow colour. The adults live in flowers, where they feed on pollen and nectar, which is just what this one is doing. Sulphur beetles are found almost exclusively in dry places such as sand dunes or chalk and limestone grassland and throughout most of the British Isles they are a coastal species.

I felt fairly grotty for much of the day, with a nasty cold-sore, headache and aching limbs. Despite this I managed to produce a large pot of spicy meatballs, as Alex and Ben's friend was coming over for the supper, not to mention a banana and pecan loaf and a lime-and-coconut drizzle cake! Too much temptation...

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