Jab on job

C: How are you feeling today?
Me: I'm fine.......(suspects there is a catch) why?
C: That's great, I can give you your Hep B jab then.

We were in Littleborough today and as we were setting up the nurse gave me my Hep B....then told me that it is the first in a course!! Flippin' heck.

I was on fire today....I whipped needles out right, left and centre....I did health checks and I even managed to pipette the blood into the copper sulphate. 

Lee was palpating a vein and asked me to have a feel on a man's arm. I felt a cracking vein that wasn't visible:

L: What do you think of that one?
Me: That feels good for me ( l looked at the donor) How was it for you?
Donor: Yes, that felt good for me too 

As we were leaving at the end of the day, the nurse asked if my arm was sore after the jab. I told her it was fine, "Oh, good..." she sighed. "You said that in a disappointed way," I retorted. She assured me it was surprise that it wasn't aching and not disappointment that it wasn't sore....Hmmmmm !!! 

This is a quick pic on the way home in the rain. And....now I've started to think about the jab my arm has started aching :(

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