Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Tuxie Tuesday

Sorry I haven't been around lately. There's just been a lot going on emotionally and for the most part I haven't been feeling all that social. I have a bunch of pictures to back blip. Mostly of Tuxie.

Today there are quite a few extra photos just because there were a lot of things worth blipping. (Gimme a few minutes to upload them, as I have to edit my post to include them.)

Today we took Nova to two different Petsmarts, and B went to Sprouts to get some supplies to make his own beard oil. His facial hair is finally starting to fill in, and he's excited and wants to grow it and keep it well-maintained. Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous.

At the second one, which is the one we used to go to all the time, Nova made a new friend. She's only been working there for a couple months, and we'd never seen her before. She was super happy to meet Nova, then after a few minutes, she suddenly asked, "Is this Nova?" Apparently they talk about him enough that a new employee that had never seen him before was able to identify him.

I think it's kinda sweet, actually. She was even more excited once I confirmed that it was, in fact, Nova.

So it turns out that one of the boys' favorite flavors of Simply Nourish dry food has been discontinued. My heart is broken for them, but I was informed that if I were to get a bag of food that the cats don't particularly like, I can take it back to the store, tell them the cats didn't really like it, and can exchange it for a new bag of food for them to try. I thought that was only for defective products, but learned today that it also applies if the cats simply don't like the food as well. That's a relief. We may have to resort to that, depending on what happens with finding them a second flavor their really love.

Nova's food stash now takes up the entire crate. Lots of variety for my Novababy.

We met a sweet, three year old black cat that just wants someone to love on him and a shoulder to perch on. He looked absolutely heartbroken, but he just lit up and came to life when B was petting him through the front of the kennel. We may end up adopting him.

There's also a beautiful black cat up in Massachucets that is twelve years old and was abandoned after she became afraid of a new and very assertive kitten. The people that gave her up like that disgust me. I'd give the kitten up before giving a senior cat up like that. The kitten has a much better chance of quickly getting adopted. A senior cat will most likely be overlooked.

Someone has already paid her adoption fees so she's free to a good home. The only condition to adopting her is that you must take her teddy bear with her. It's her best friend. I may drive up there once I get my full license and adopt her if she's still available. Her personality is much like Cosmo's.

We also still want to adopt Spice, the poor girl that's been up for adoption for the last four or more years that no one wants to adopt.

Yes, I know, that's a lot of cats, but if we're moving back in with my family, we'll be able to support them financially. Just...don't tell my family we may be adopting two more cats last minute and taking them up there to live with us... >.>

In the extra pictures: The sky was really beautiful as we were leaving the first Petsmart. One is a panoramic. Surprisingly, even though you can see where my phone stitched the photo together, it didn't change the skyline. You can only see the stitching in the faded image of a car and also part of a building that was stitched weird. The skyline itself looks like it wasn't damaged in the stitching at all, though maybe my eyes just aren't sharp enough to see if the skyline was damaged.

A picture of Nova singing in the truck.

Pictures of Nova happily watching birds at Petsmart.

Grumpy Cat is on Friskies boxes!

And a very adorable, poofy bird that Nova absolutely fell in love with at Petsmart. I'm not sure what it is, as this particular bird wasn't labelled or anything. Anyone have any idea what that bird could be? Nova really loved it, and we plan on eventually getting a bird or two for Nova, once we figure out the future a little better.

I hope you all are doing well. Take care. Love you all.

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