Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Philosophy and Some Other Stuff

"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children dogs"

Khalil Gibran

Here's some of my philosophy:
Some dogs are introvert, some dogs are extrovert (me, me, me!)
Some dogs are serious, some dogs are funny (me, me, me!)
All dogs like sausages.

I had been good this morning until I decided to go for a paddle in my water bowl. I love doing this. It makes a lot of splashy noises and my feet wet, plus when aprecious is cleaning it up I can play 'Grab the cloth' which is one of the best games ever. It's nearly as good a game as 'Grab the mop' - that's my all time favourite. I quite like playing 'Rearrange the throw on the sofa' too - especially if I have wet paws. Like I did today after I rolled about in the mud.

There are lots of games to play in the house. 'Throw your basket around', 'Sit on the Rocking chair' and 'Help with the Washing up' are some.

Here's some more of my philosophy:
Some dogs don't like to play, some dogs do. (me, me, me!)
Some dogs don't get up to mischief, some dogs do (me, me, me!)
All dogs like sausages.

I have discovered that not going out to work means I have less backache and fewer headaches. I have also discovered that whilst writing my thesis I have put on half a stone (and the rest!) So, you pays your money, and you makes your choice. I love this shot makes me as Cath would say, 'smile on the inside.'

Edit at 2:45pm - thought I would share this too. This is one - Disgruntled Doggy

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