RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Five Years

Because Blip sent a reminder, I knew today's entry marks my five year anniversary, so the pressure was on to capture an image that was meaningful. Fortunately we took a driving trip around part of Lake Pátzcuaro so I could shoot some "real" Mexico. - this is RSDPhoto's Mexican Life after all. My wife offered her help in picking from the images and this shot of the church in rural Arócutin was the eventual winner. 

Who would have thought five years ago when I started this as a way to share images of our Brazilian vacation what it would become. It took some time to realize that every day was the way to go (there are a number of gaps in the first couple of years), but once I determined this was really a visual diary, it became a way of life. I treasure those who view, comment, and participate throughout the world. It is an honor to interact in this truly great community!

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