at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Both Briar and willow are both rather easy children even with willows feeding issues. They were both awake in their chairs then just dropped off themselves. Ivy literally never did that. Never. Before ivy was born I read 'the baby whisperer' and her parenting schedule is E.A.S.Y (eat, activity, sleep, you time), I thought it was nonsense at the time but briar and willow seem to have read this book and taken it to heart. And they Both have a good grasp of ' night time', even though age nurses alot at night still briar goes back to sleep after really easily

Willow got weighed today, she's put on 40g in 3 days, when she's supposed to do 35g a day. Milk concentration upped again today and she's being more sick, so the long hospital slog continuesw

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