at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Feeling a little horse

Ivy woke up from her afternoon nap with a croaky sounding throat- i'm just getting used to her having a voice and now it sounds different and it's very weird. We gave her some calpol (the recomended dose- despite her trying to convince us to give her more) and plenty of cuddles and she seemed to cheer up. (Ivy's trike is actually a Zebra, not a horse, but I thought this photo was a good visual joke- it's star pasta stuck to her legs, as I took the photo after dinner)

We went to a party in the morning to celebrate Seb's (Ivy's bethrothed) christening. Ivy sat on her mother-in-laws knee and munched her way through several cocktail sausages and had a great time playing with Seb's toys and big sisters whilst he slept.

Dinner tonight was all sorts of phenominal (even if I say so myself), pesto made from Basil from the polytunnel and fresh egg pasta. As Ivy said 'nom nom nom'.

No more steps today- Uncle Cieran recons Ivy is on a rest day.

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