To Sheila with love

Today's the day ............................ to look back

I re-found this necklace today - and it has brought back all sorts of memories.

It wasn't lost or anything.  I just hadn't worn it for a while, although it is very special.  It was given to me by Will when our younger son, Rob was born on 7th July 1983 - and it has an inscription on the back saying exactly that.  You can work out that he now is a strapping 32-year old, who in about three months time will be a father himself.  How time flies!

This is my 1825th blip which makes it five blipping years since it all began.  Such a lot has happened in that time and it's a real joy to me that I have all those entries that I can look back on and remember.  I have as much fun now - choosing what my daily blip will be - as I ever did.  And as much enjoyment in seeing what all of you are up to and reading your comments on mine. 

Come with me on the next five years .......................

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