Languorous Living

Endlessly circling,
same faces, same food, same place—
do they long for change?

My life has much more variety, and today was busier than usual. I had several errands to do in Fairhaven this morning, the first of which was purchasing a gift card at the Chrysalis Inn and Spa, where I took this photo. There’s a tiny pool and waterfall near the entrance, and I spent several minutes there, enjoying the languorous movements of the koi. 

But exercise called, so I set off on a pleasant stroll on the Taylor Boardwalk, relishing the fresh breeze and cooler temperature, and stopping to take photos occasionally. With 6,000 steps on my activity tracker, I returned to the car and hauled two heavy bags of books I no longer want to Village Books’ secondhand book buyers. I’ll receive store credit for those they think will sell, and I’ll pick up the rejects and take them to our local Bellingham Books to Prisoners office, where some will be sent to incarcerated individuals and the rest sold to used book dealers or at their own occasional book sales for the public.

A quick stop at Avenue Bread yielded the last fresh raspberry scone, which I shared with Phil at lunch, and eight of their tender little bread rolls, for later use. One more errand completed my morning — dropping off books at the library and picking up others that were on hold for me, including Kate Atkinson’s Life After Life, which several folks here have recommended.

Home to make lunch for Phil and me, then off for a quick visit to my doctor to take care of an unusual red patch on the top of my right hand. I had self-diagnosed it as an actinic keratosis, and indeed it was, even though I don’t spend much time out in the sun. Today’s quick freeze with liquid nitrogen should do the trick, and if not, the treatment can be repeated. 

Now to catch up with all the things that require sitting at my computer! Paying bills, finalizing travel plans for early September, online banking, responding to friends’ emails, writing restaurant reviews from our time in Portland, editing photos, and a plethora of other communications — including Blipfoto comments — are calling me!

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