Water Lily

After the travels of the past 10 days it's back to the more demanding task of trying to find an interesting blip in every day life. So that's why you've got the lily today. This is the second flower this lily has produced in our new pond, so it obviously likes it there a bit.

Today was one of those "first day back after being away" days, catching up, sorting out. I did find time for a run but also spent time dealing with emails and tasks from that ever growing list.

Down at the allotment we found some courgettes on steroids (and some that were a more ususal size). I looked up recipes for stuffed courgettes so it looks as if we'll mainly be eating courgette in some form or other for the forseeable future. The first pickings of dwarf beans had gone over too, perhaps there will be some to rescue from a big bag of beans. Nice beetroot too and some more blackcurrants. More time will need to be spent there tomorrow to get on top of the weeds.

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