
Right at the end if the day this blip presented itself. We were on the golf course and I hadn't a blip for today until we passed these logs on the way around. I'd seen them before and had taken a shot or two then but didn't use it. Now they look more weathered and natural than they did just after they'd been cut.

We finished the walk at the allotment where we collected some more large yellow courgettes and some beetroot. Anyone in need of large courgettes or cucumbers for that matter? Some interesting shaped cucumbers too, would never do for the EU that's for sure.

Had a good swim in the morning, then sorted a few outstanding tasks before lunch and spending the afternoon working on the prison contract.

I forgot to say that the iMac expired on Friday afternoon and despite wasting a few hours trying to fix it myself I eventually had to take it in to be fixed. Found a local technician in Maidstone who effected what seems to be a good fix. So late this afternoon I was able to collect it. Lets hope that's the end of a run of issues with the machine.

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