First Tomato

Dear Diary,

I've been picking cherry tomatoes, little yellow ones, for over two weeks but this is my first big red one!  It was so much fun to see it peeking out through the leaves.  It has lots of green companions that will be ripening over the next few weeks but the first red tomato is always cause for celebration.  For me, summer really begins with the first tomatoes and sweet corn.

Celebrating the small events in one's life is a good thing.  There is always so much to be thankful for; so much to rejoice over.  It makes dealing with the less than positive things easier I think.  Although I will probably not do the greenhouse thing again, tending my plants has made me more aware of my food in general.  Eating something you grew yourself is its own reward.  I have a much greater appreciation of those who do grow our food.  Bless them all!

It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato. ~Lewis Grizzard

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