Graemsay and the Hoy Hills from Orphir

The Agony Aunt
The Saga Newspaper
Fleet Street

Dear Priscilla.
I am writing to you about my husband, a man of greatly advanced years but imbued with the energy of a man half his age who got me, a lady of a certain age on what is meant to be a relaxing holiday, out of my bed and onto my bike for a cycle run at 7 am before breakfast this Sunday morning.
I am worried that he needs help to overcome his need for constant hard physical exercise with me in attendance, and the inability to relax and smell the roses.
Is this normal behaviour for a man who has seen so many winters?
Yours sincerely
Exhausted blue eyes.

Dear Exhausted Blue Eyes,
I think you are over reacting. Consider yourself lucky, given his advanced years that he is able to get out of bed unaided far less sit on a bike and pedal. I think it's time for you to get off your backside and get the pedals turning too.
Sloth is a sin, perhaps not a mortal one but a sin nevertheless. The roses will still be blooming when you unclip from your pedals.

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