The Visit

It felt decidedly strange to meet neighbours not yet a-bed as I wheeled my bike out for its early morning spin.
With no bedroom clock and my watch battery dead, I had no realisation that it was early as it was by judging the amount of light in the sky.
Apart from my young neighbour, there were several other couples sitting in the Meadows after a night of late finishing Fringe shows;such is a Burgher's life for three mad weeks in August.

Omani daughter who is unable for work reasons to come to Stobo with us, is in town this week to welcome new tenants to her flat in Portobello. She came for lunch today and declined any liquid refreshment other than water and coffee much to His Lordship's dismay who thought it would have been more convivial to open a bottle of wine.

I managed to pin her against this radiator and take today's blip before she left for other parts.

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