Ill Advised to Stray

Would you believe we have another fine sunny day here in Stromness, when it is possible to sunbathe and feel positively hot in the sun.
Would you also believe that His Lordship allowed me a lie in until 7:30 without getting me on the saddle and out on the road before breakfast.

We tried to have a quiet morning in the town this morning, visiting the Damien Hirst exhibition in the Pier Art Centre, Julia's café, and the wonderful library with the view, before sitting at the harbour to sketch boats.
Tricky things, boats, all foreshortening and curves that move with the tide. However, the use of the right side of the brain denies the worry of 'what ifs' surrounding the ability of the car to make it on to the ferry on Monday night.

We are looking forward to having IainatCreel and the current Mrs Creel grace our flat for a cuppa later this afternoon. We have tidied up a bit in celebration.

This blip is the Damien Hirst exhibit -'Away from the Flock'- a pickled in formaldehyde lamb who made a grave mistake in wandering away from its mother's side.

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